
May 19, 2011

Amazon: Kindle Books Outselling Print Copies

From WSJ Digits Blog
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"The online retailing giant says that for the first time, it has sold more electronic copies of books than actual print editions. Since April 1, Amazon has sold 105 Kindle books for every 100 print books sold. The company has sold more than three times as many Kindle books so far this year as it did at the same time a year ago.
The striking numbers are a testament to the success of the Amazon’s e-reader, which faces mounting competition from the likes of Barnes & Noble Inc.’s Nook and Apple Inc.’s iPad tablet. The growing business is one of the company’s major drivers of growth; Amazon says its overall book business has shown the fastest year-over-year growth in both unit and dollar terms in more than 10 years."

Read it all here

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