
Jan 14, 2009

Layoffs, Layoffs, and Closings

Like other manufacturing companies, printers are laying off workers or closing plants in response to the current economic contraction. Eliminating people is one of the few tools companies have at their disposal that they can instantly reduce their expenses. Rents, purchase of raw materials, and debt service are stubborn expenses and difficult to reduce in the short term. Needless to say this creates a very poor environment for the purchase of new equipment.

Binderies remain the most labor intensive segment of a printing firms' operations. Incremental efficiencies here translate in to real and immediate savings, while retaining core capabilities.

For a brief overview of automation opportunities in a web plant, check out my article here in the Printing News.

For a better and more complete discussion of post press optimization, see Peter Doyle's article at the Muller Martini website here.

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