
Feb 11, 2011

Friday's Cultural Contribution

Each Friday brings a short respite to the otherwise riveting content posted to the blog.  This week's cultural contribution is the recipe for David's Holiday Ham Biscuits. 


1/2 stick of butter
3 tbs brown sugar
1 package of 12 dinner rolls (Arnolds or Pepperidge Farms preferred)
1/2 lb of Smithfield Red Eye County Ham, shaved 

As always, begin each batch with 1 glass of your favorite tipple.  Keep handy during preparation.

Begin by warming butter until soft.  One and a half minutes on low power in the microwave is about right.  Butter melted will not do.  Mix in brown sugar to an icing like consistency.

Now for the most difficult part.  Using a long knife, slice the entire slab of rolls in half, and flip over to expose the insides of both sides.  Slather the butter and sugar mixture over both sides.  About when you think you have put on too much is just right.

Rolls_Specialty_Dinner.pngApply ham.  Pink Baptist Picnic Ham will produce an unsuitable result.  I have prepared this with prociutto ham under duress and , while good, does not have the same magic as the Red eye ham's salt flavor married with butter and brown sugar.

Wrap tightly in aluminum foil.  This is important.  Exposed sides will dry out in the oven.  Place the rolls in a 300 degree oven for 30 minutes.  This is an excellent time to check your glass and refresh as required.

Remove and cut into 12 individual rolls and serve instantly.

Serves 4 to 6, but be forewarned; Otherwise sedentary adolescents and distant relations have been observed to move with unexpected speed and plow through a plateful.   Prepare quantities accordingly. 

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