
May 5, 2011

Google execs, tech experts focus on future of Postal Service

(Melina Mara - The Washington Post)
From the Federal Eye at

"The conference is scheduled to hear from Vint Cerf, Google’s “chief internet evangelist,” and Jeff Jarvis , who writes the popular blog and is an associate professor and director of the interactive journalism program at the City University of New York’s Graduate School of Journalism. He has written and blogged several times about whether or not the nation still needs a national mail delivery service.
“If it can be digital, it will be digital; letters and transactions on paper will die quickly; physical media isn’t far behind,” Jarvis said in an e-mail. “So where do we stand then?”
Through a spokesman, Cerf confirmed he plans to attend the conference, but wouldn’t comment further."
I really don't think the Google folks have the best interests of the USPS at heart...

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