
May 8, 2011

Why Ebooks are Selling

Here and here are articles by's John Dvorak regarding the rise of ebooks and its impact on the printed book.  Nicholas Kolakowski's article here at notes the fall in printed book sales is matched by a similar increase in ebook sales, but without the same increase in sales to publishers.

I would add to Dvorak's comments that Kindle is not just an ebook reader, but a platform.  Whatever electronic device I have in my hand, iphone, kindle, blackberry or laptop, I have access to my library.  Whenever I want it.  My ability to control access to purchase a book or read a book anytime, anywhere is the key to the success of the ebook generally, and the Kindle specifically.

Some measure of salvation for book publishers (and book printers) will come from producing a digital "book of one" anywhere and everywhere consumers want to read.

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